Buying beautiful items for your home is the best way to give yourself the perfect gift.
1. Ecology mini forks, $29.95, Dallimores Homewares 2. Bloomingdale Fija green jug, $29.95, Table Culture 3. Lexon Mina red lamp $59.95, Table Culture 4. Velvet cushions, $98 ea, Flannel 5. Bialetti coffee pot $179, Dallimores Homewares 6. Green vase $199, Heather Levi 7. Ottolenghi Comfort book, $65 Simon Johnson 8. Valrhona Chocolat Les Truffes, $38.50, Simon Johnson 9. Sculptural teak wood bowl, $229, Imagine That 10. Panier Des Sans scented candle $45, Plane Tree Farm 11. Solwang Design dish cloths, $26.95, Simon Johnson 12. Savant placemats, $185, Flannel 13. Stag brass wall hook, $79, Imagine That 14. Wonk Ware water jug $195, Heather Levi 15. Designer Guild cushion $596, Heather Levi 16. Cowhide cushion, $195, Imagine That 17. Frankie Gusti Artist series soy candle, $48.95, Spoilt 18. Body soap bars, $14.50 ea, Bed Tonic 19. Afghan rug selection, POA, Rug Establishment.
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